Document Library

Documents we are using in our explorations and experiments.

Twelve Suggested Thought Questions for Reading  Assignments (PDF)

This handout, used in an online university, was an effort by Dennis Rivers to bridge the gap between objective knowledge (what was the writer trying to say about the topic?) and subjective response (what did the writer’s work mean to me? remind me of? open me up to?).  This is one of many leaping-off points for our explorations of collaborative groups. In their knowledge of one another’s work, co-workers also seek to balance these two perspectives.


presented in cooperation with
One-page Summary — Quick Reference to the Seven Challenges Workbook

Cover of Seven Challenges communication skills workbook

Introduction and Summary

How this workbook came to be, the Seven Challenges briefly described, and how we can build more effective work teams and happier families with a more cooperative style of listening and talking. These are the soft skills that can help you and your team go from just surviving to actively thriving.

pdf file of this chapter

image of listening as part of communication skills learning

__Image courtesy of

Listen more carefully and responsively, acknowledging the feelings and wants that people express in word and mood. Actively acknowledging another person’s experience does not have to mean that you agree or approve. Compassionately allow people to feel whatever they feel. People are much more likely to listen if they have been listened to with actively expressed acknowledgments. web page of this chapter ~ ~ pdf file of this chapter

Communication Skills Challenge Two:
Explaining your conversational intent and inviting consent

by using one of 30 basic conversational invitations such as, “Right now I would like to take a few minutes and ask you about… [subject].” The more involvement a conversation is going to require of the other person, the more you will benefit by sharing your conversational goal and inviting the conscious cooperation of your conversation partner.
web page of this chapter ~ ~ pdf file of this chapter

Communication Skills Challenge Three:
Expressing yourself more clearly and more completely

how to express yourself in a way that gives your listeners the information they need to…

>>  understand (mentally reconstruct) your experiences more fully

>> empathize with what you are experiencing

One good way is to discuss important topics is to slow down and use “the five I-messages”:
What/how I …
(2)am feeling,
(3) because I interpret/evaluate/need, and now I
(4)want to request
so that…
(5)positive results I envision/hope for from request.

Equally good for self-understanding, also.

 web page of this chapter ~ ~ pdf file of this chapter

Communication Skills Challenge Four:
Translating your criticisms and complaints into requests for action

and explaining the positive results of having your request granted. Do this for both your own complaints and the complaints that other family members and team members bring to you.  Focusing on the positive outcome shows respect to the recipient of a request as having a positive contribution to make, and shifts focus from past mistakes to present and future successes.
web page of this chapter ~ ~ pdf file of this chapter

Communication Skills Challenge Five:
Asking questions more “open-endedly” and more creatively.

“How did you like that movie?” is an open-ended question that invites a wide range of answers. “Did you like it?” suggests only “yes” or “no” as answers and does not encourage discussion. Sincerely asked open-ended questions can open up our conversation partners. (How comfortable are you with this suggestion?)
web page of this chapter ~ ~ pdf file of this chapter

Communication Skills Challenge Six:
Thanking: Expressing more gratitude, appreciation, encouragement and delight…

…in everyday life.  In a world full of problems, look for opportunities to give praise. Both at home and at work, it is the bond of appreciation that makes relationships strong enough to allow for problem-solving and differing needs.
web page of this chapter ~ ~ pdf file of this chapter

Communication Skills Challenge Six: Thanking. Expressing more appreciation, gratitude, encouragement and delight.

Communication Skills Challenge Seven:
Adopting the “living-as-continuous-learning” approach

Make the practices described in challenges 1 through 6 important parts of your everyday living, learning, team-building and family nurturing. Pay attention to each conversation as an opportunity to grow in skill, awareness and compassion.  Work to redefine each of your “momentary opponents” in life as a learning and problem-solving partner.  Assist the processes of change in your world by personally embodying the changes, virtues and styles of behavior you want to see in others.
web page of this chapter ~ ~ pdf file of this chapter

Communication Skills Challenge Seven:
Adopting the "living-as-continuous-learning" approach

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